Water is often called the elixir of life, and for good reason. It is fundamental to our survival, playing a crucial part in the health and vibrancy of our bodies. But beyond its basic necessity, water is essential in both pro-aging (maintaining graceful aging) and reverse-aging (slowing or reversing the visible signs of aging) protocols. Understanding the different types of water and their unique properties, from pH levels to hydrogen content, can help us make more informed choices about our hydration and skincare routines.

The Importance of Hydration

First, it’s necessary to comprehend the overarching importance of hydration. Proper hydration supports vital bodily functions such as digestion, circulation, absorption of nutrients, and temperature regulation. When it comes to skin, adequate hydration assists in maintaining elasticity, reduces the appearance of wrinkles, and supports a healthy, glowing complexion.

Conversely, dehydrated skin can lead to dryness, flakiness, and an overall dull appearance, making signs of aging more pronounced. Thus, keeping the skin well-hydrated is fundamental to any pro-aging protocol.

The Role of pH in Water: Balancing Acidity and Alkalinity

Water’s pH level, which measures acidity or alkalinity, can significantly impact your skin and overall health. As we learned in high school, the pH array goes from 0 to 14. 7 is considered neutral, with healthy skin between 4.7 and 5.7. Water with a pH higher than 7 is considered alkaline, while water lower than 7 is acidic.

  • Acidic Water (pH < 7): While drinking acidic water is generally not recommended, slightly acidic water (around pH 5.5) is often used in skincare products. The skin’s natural pH is slightly acidic, which helps maintain its barrier function and protect against harmful bacteria and pollutants. Using slightly acidic water can support this balance, potentially leading to clearer, healthier skin.
  • Alkaline Water (pH > 7): Alkaline water, often touted for its health benefits, is believed to neutralize acid in the body, minimize oxidative stress, and improve hydration efficiency. For those looking to maintain or achieve a youthful appearance, alkaline water might offer some benefits by potentially enhancing hydration and reducing inflammation, which is a pivotal contributor to aging. My favorite brand is Crazy Water from my home state of Texas.

Hydrogen-Rich Water: The New Frontier in Pro-Aging

Hydrogen-rich water is an emerging trend in the health and wellness community, particularly in the context of anti-aging. This type of water contains dissolved molecular hydrogen (H2). This potent antioxidant has demonstrated the ability to neutralize harmful free radicals in the body.

  • Benefits of Hydrogen-Rich Water: Free radicals are unstable molecules capable of damaging cells, leading to aging and various diseases. By neutralizing these free radicals, hydrogen-rich water may help reduce oxidative stress, one of the primary factors in the aging process. Some studies suggest that drinking hydrogen-rich water can enhance skin health, increase energy levels, and support cognitive function, essential for maintaining a youthful appearance.

I’ve been keeping up with the latest studies on Hydrogen water from both tablets and machines and will take the plunge on this shortly.

Distilled and Filtered Water: Purity Matters

While water’s pH and hydrogen content are essential, the purity of the water you drink and apply to your skin is equally critical. Distilled and filtered water are two options that remove impurities, ensuring you’re not exposing your body to harmful contaminants.

  • Distilled Water: This water has been boiled into steam and then condensed into liquid form, effectively removing minerals, bacteria, and other impurities. While it’s very pure, the lack of minerals can make distilled water less hydrating than other types. I don’t usually recommend distilled water due to the lack of minerals.
  • Filtered Water: Filtration systems vary, but most remove harmful substances like chlorine, heavy metals, and other contaminants while retaining beneficial minerals. Filtered water is a good option for those looking to ensure their water is clean and hydrating. Anything you can do to reduce chlorine in your water will benefit the skin, as chlorine is very dehydrating. A whole-house filter is the best option.

Structured Water: The Science of Molecular Alignment

Structured water, sometimes called hexagonal water, has been molecularly aligned to mimic the natural structure found in living organisms. Proponents of structured water claim it is efficiently utilized by the body, leading to better hydration and potentially slowing aging.

The Theory Behind Structured Water: The idea is that when water molecules are aligned in a hexagonal pattern, they can penetrate cells more effectively, providing better hydration at a cellular level. This could boost skin health, increase energy, and enhance overall well-being, making it a valuable addition to pro-aging and reverse-aging protocols. If you suffer from inflammation, consider this choice. The brand I am most familiar with is Penta, which was introduced in the 90s while I was working at a health food store.

Choosing the Right Water for Your Needs

Incorporating suitable water into your daily routine can profoundly affect your health and appearance. Whether you’re looking to maintain a youthful glow or actively reverse signs of aging, understanding the differences between various types of water—whether pH-balanced, hydrogen-rich, or structured—can help you make the best choices for your body and skin.

In all its forms, water is a powerful tool in the fight against aging. By staying hydrated and choosing the right type of water for your needs, you can support your body’s natural processes and keep your skin looking vibrant and healthy for years to come.

I would love to hear about your experiences with different types of water in the comments.