Several months ago, I met a pelvic health therapist. Who knew they even existed? After a brief conversation, I knew this was someone I wanted to work with. As a pro-aging specialist, I examine all aspects of aging, including incontinence. I wanted to know how to fix it. So, today, let’s look at what a healthy pelvis is all about.

Weslina Maxey, my very informed Pelvic Floor Occupational Therapist, explained what the pelvis was doing regarding overall health. When we think of health, we often focus on the surface—the skin, hair, and overall appearance. However, health goes much deeper, rooted in the very core of our being. One vital area that often goes unnoticed is the pelvis. The pelvis is a central hub for much more than just housing reproductive organs; it plays a critical role in posture, movement, and emotional health. This is where a holistic approach to pelvic health becomes essential.

What Is Holistic Pelvic Health?

Holistic pelvic health refers to viewing the pelvis as a critical element in the body’s overall well-being—physically, emotionally, and energetically. Instead of treating symptoms, this approach looks at the body as a whole, understanding that the pelvis interacts with various systems, including muscles, organs, bones, and nerves, and connects with our mental and emotional states.

The pelvis is often regarded as the seat of feminine energy for women. It holds creative, reproductive, and sexual power, which influences how we express ourselves and relate to others. Any imbalance in this area can manifest not only physically but also emotionally.

Why Focus on Pelvic Health?

The pelvis is a core stabilizer of the body. Your pelvis is responding whether sitting, walking, running, or bending over to pick up your child. Dysfunction in this area, such as pelvic floor disorders, chronic pelvic pain, or misalignment, can have a ripple effect, causing back pain, hip discomfort, digestive issues, and even emotional distress like anxiety or trauma responses.

For many women, life events like pregnancy, childbirth, or aging can put extra strain on the pelvic area. Often, these experiences lead to conditions such as incontinence, prolapse, or pain, which can diminish quality of life. The holistic approach doesn’t just seek to treat these conditions. Still, it aims to restore balance and vitality in the pelvic area, helping women live more fully and vibrantly. Having gone through five pregnancies myself, I’m well aware of the toll it can take on the pelvic region.

Elements of Holistic Pelvic Care

  1. Physical Alignment and Strength: The foundation of a healthy pelvis lies in alignment and strength. Practices like yoga, Pilates, and other pelvic floor exercises promote pelvic stability and strengthen the surrounding muscles. Focusing on posture and mobility helps relieve tension and create space for proper pelvic function.
  2. Mind-Body Connection: Emotional stress can manifest physically, especially in the pelvic region. Many people carry tension in their pelvic area without realizing it. Mindful practices like meditation, deep breathing, and energy work (like Reiki or acupuncture) can help release trapped emotions and energy in the pelvis, fostering emotional balance alongside physical health. I have been doing breathwork for years and learned many new techniques from my visit. I never realized how much tension I was carrying in the pelvic area. And breathwork is only the tip of the iceberg.
  3. Nutrition for Pelvic Health: A balanced, anti-inflammatory diet is another critical puzzle piece. Consuming foods that support digestion, reduce bloating, and promote hormonal balance can significantly impact the health of the pelvic organs. Foods rich in omega-3s, antioxidants, and fiber can help reduce inflammation and keep the body’s systems running smoothly.
  4. Natural Therapies: Herbal remedies, essential oils, and other natural therapies can support pelvic health. For instance, castor oil packs applied to the abdomen improve circulation and help detoxify the pelvic area. Yoni steaming, a practice rooted in ancient cultures, is gaining popularity as a way to nourish the reproductive system and promote healing.
  5. Emotional Release: For many women, the pelvis can store unresolved trauma, whether from childbirth, sexual experiences, or emotional suppression. Holistic pelvic care often includes trauma-informed approaches to healing. Somatic therapies and bodywork can be powerful tools for releasing this deep-seated tension and creating space for emotional healing.
  6. Connection to Feminine Energy: Holistic pelvic care also involves honoring the pelvis as a center of feminine power and creativity. Engaging in practices encouraging self-care, self-expression, and connection to one’s femininity can help reawaken this energy. This process can lead to a more profound empowerment through dance, creative arts, or simply listening to the body’s needs.

The Benefits of Holistic Pelvic Health

The holistic approach to pelvic health can bring about significant benefits, including:

  • Improved posture and mobility
  • Reduction in pelvic pain and tension
  • Enhanced sexual health and reproductive function
  • Increased emotional balance and reduced anxiety
  • Greater connection to one’s body and feminine energy

Ultimately, embracing holistic pelvic care is about empowering yourself to live with more freedom and vitality. By taking care of this often-overlooked area, you’re addressing physical discomfort and nurturing emotional and energetic well-being.


Holistic pelvic care invites you to rediscover and nurture the core of your body’s strength. Whether you’ve faced pelvic challenges from childbirth, the aging process, or the pressures of everyday life, this approach supports healing on every level. By incorporating practices that focus on mindfulness, physical strengthening, emotional healing, and energetic balance, you can revitalize the pelvis and cultivate a more profound sense of well-being. Prioritizing this area of your body can lead to profound shifts, helping your physical and emotional health thrive. Take a moment to honor this essential part of yourself—your entire being will benefit from it.