Inspiration and Motivation

Do You Journal?

Do You Journal?

To Journal or Not to Journal I have a love/hate relationship with journaling. I have been keeping journals since 1988, and I buy new ones every year, sometimes more than one. But when I look back at my journals, I always feel sad to see all the blank pages where I...

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Ingredient Spotlight – Squalane

Ingredient Spotlight – Squalane

Know Your Ingredients Squalane is a common moisturizing ingredient in various skin care products, such as anti-aging cream, lip gloss, and sunscreen. It is derived from squalene, which is an oily substance found in animals, plants, and people.  Both squalane and...

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The Dreaded Gap

The Dreaded Gap

 The Gap - The space between the life we’ve known and the life we are creating If you set goals, you might have noticed that there is always a gap between where you currently are and what you want to achieve. This is known as the "dreaded gap." Sometimes, the gap may...

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It’s All an Experiment

It’s All an Experiment

  Let's experiment It's all an experiment. Some things will work out, and some things will not. The sooner we become aware of this, the easier life becomes. Unfortunately, it took me 60 years to realize this truth. It was only about a year ago when it finally...

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What Baggage are You Carrying Into 2024?

What Baggage are You Carrying Into 2024?

What is Weighing You Down If you're like me, you hit the ground running with your goals and dreams for the coming year. You might also be like me and didn't consider unfinished business from 2023. Fortunately, one of my coaches brought this oversight to my attention....

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Creating Harmony

Creating Harmony

Creating Harmony vs. Finding Balance Last week, I talked about using a theme for the year and maybe even choosing a word that epitomizes your big goals for your life. Many people have shared their words with me: confident, balance, vessel, intentional, and trust....

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Theme of the Year

Theme of the Year

    Theme for 2024 I love creating themes for things: parties, gardens, months, and years. It helps me focus. Each year around this time, I choose a word of the year and a theme. To be honest, my themes aren’t that catchy. I like them to rhyme with the year....

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From Seed to Satisfaction

From Seed to Satisfaction

      Sowing Seeds It's that time of year again; the seed catalogs have begun to arrive. I enjoy curling up on the sofa and getting lost in photos of colorful flowers and magnificent produce, especially when it's gray and cold outside. Gardening has...

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  Photo by Alexander Schimmeck You always have a choice I am sure that at some point in your life, you allowed something to "happen to you" because you claimed you didn't have a choice. We always have other options. The consequences might not thrill us, but we...

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