Have You Noticed This?

Have You Noticed This?

Notice what you are noticing   Through the month of March, we have covered several topics from intuition to struggle.  The key to all of these topics is to notice what you are noticing.  As your coach and mentor, it is my job to help you identify what you are...
Off In The Wonderland of Struggle

Off In The Wonderland of Struggle

Struggle I am off on another journal in self-discovery, my favorite kind of journey, but sometimes it can be a struggle.  This is my own fault, of course.  I google something or watch a webinar and off I go down the rabbit hole.  Focus can be a struggle, needless to...
The Art of Appreciation

The Art of Appreciation

Gratitude or Appreciation? I was listening to an interview between Natasha Mason, of Shine Your Sober Light, and Debra Cummings, of the Soul Notes podcast, and the topic of gratitude practices came up.  I have never quite gotten into the gratitude phenomena. Imagine...


How did you sleep last night? As we continue to adjust to daylight savings, many people are finding that sleep eludes them.  I, for one, am finding myself up past my normal bedtime and then not wanting to get out of bed in the morning.  I like living by my circadian...