How Do You Tap Into Your Intuition?

How Do You Tap Into Your Intuition?

How do you tap into your intuition?   I post that question with a double meaning.  For those who have been ignoring their still small voice, it would be a “how-to” question.  For those who tap in every day, I want to hear your specific method. In the last...
Manifest Abundant Joy

Manifest Abundant Joy

Manifest Abundant Joy We are master manifesters by nature.  As humans, we can manifest abundant joy or choose to display great sorrow. Most have heard stories of people who have gone through tragedy in life, yet they feel peace and joy.  Their joy comes from the...
Learning From Plants

Learning From Plants

How to Develop Your Intuition One of the fun things about gardening is watching how plants instinctively know where the sun is.  Especially sunflowers.  They turn their lovely flower heads from East to West each day following the sun.  They trust their intuition. We...
What is Mindset?

What is Mindset?

Mindfulness and Mindset What is mindset? Your mindset is the collection of thoughts and ideas you have curated over the years based on your unique life events. No two people will ever have the same exact mindset.  Emerson once stated, “Stand guard at the portal...
Learning to Nurture Our Body

Learning to Nurture Our Body

Nurturing our body is about creating a loving relationship Start everyday by looking at your body in the mirror and telling it, “I love you, I love every inch of you.  And, I love every grey hair, wrinkle, stretch mark. For years I tried to match what I saw in...