
How did you sleep last night? As we continue to adjust to daylight savings, many people are finding that sleep eludes them.  I, for one, am finding myself up past my normal bedtime and then not wanting to get out of bed in the morning.  I like living by my circadian...
The Power of Sound

The Power of Sound

Vibration If you have looked into energy work at all, you have heard of sound therapy. It is the power of sound. Everything we do is based on a frequency of vibrations. Some we hear, some we cannot. If you have studied Abraham Hicks, Mary Morrissey or any of the other...
Home is Where the Heart Is

Home is Where the Heart Is

 Heart and Soul Reflections I have been studying meditation and the souls journey I conceived a whole different meaning to the phrase ‘home is where the heart is’. When you research this age old idiom, you will discover that it was attributed to Pliny the...
Disciplined Disciples

Disciplined Disciples

Who do you follow? We are all disciples of something or someone.  Many times, we are unaware of the doctrines we are buying in to.  What some might view as an addiction could easily be considered a discipleship. Perhaps you are disciplined disciples of coffee? The...
Developing Deep Roots

Developing Deep Roots

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash This week I would like to tell you a story about bamboo. As a gardener, bamboo is not something I would plant in the yard.  It has a tendency to take over.  However, it does make a good privacy fence and has great height and color....