Mindfulness and Mindset

What is mindset? Your mindset is the collection of thoughts and ideas you have curated over the years based on your unique life events. No two people will ever have the same exact mindset.

 Emerson once stated, “Stand guard at the portal of your mind.”



 Here are some examples of different mindsets:

Growth – In her book Mindset: the New Psychology of Success, psychologist Carol Dweck developed and popularized the concept of a growth mindset. Mindset is a self-perception that you believe about yourself, such as “I am smart” or “I am foolish”. In the growth mindset concept people are taught and believe that their basic skills and abilities can be developed through hard work and discipline. Because they believe they can become smarter or more athletic through hard work they learn more quickly and take failures as an opportunity to improve their skill level.




Fixed – this is the hardest one to work with. In a fixed mindset the belief is that everything is predetermined and there is no way to change it. Most limiting beliefs can be found in this mindset. “It’s just the way I am.” “It runs in my family.” “No one in my family ever went to college.” A person with a fixed mindset will avoid challenges.  They will  give up easily.  They choose to ignore helpful advice if it sounds negative, and feel threatened by other people’s success.




Scarcity – this one is somewhat easy to understand as there have been so many stories of not enough. However, the Universe is abundant and this mindset feeds itself. When you have enough people believing in lack, then lack is what appears. There is more than enough of everything to go around. The mindsets and distribution are just a little messed up. Training people to believe in enough is one of my missions in life.




Abundance – this one is my favorite. People with an abundance mindset believe that anything is possible and they are happy with what they have and who they are. Abundance mindset people focus on their strengths and spend their days in gratitude. The practice of gratitude is the “ultimate state of receiving,” according to Dr. Joe Dispenza. Gratitude lets the Universe know that you already believe you have received what you want in life.



 Tips for better mindfulness

When it comes to your health, what type of mindset do you think you have? What thoughts are you filling your mind with?


Fill your mind with thoughts of well-being, “I am healthy,” “I am grateful for my vibrant health,” “I enjoy eating foods that enhance my well-being.”  For whole body mindfulness, read my blog: Learning to Nurture Our Body

In the big scheme of things, we get to choose which mindset we live in. If you need help changing your mindset, book a strategy session here so we can work together to create a new mindset concept for you.